April 2019 Weather Summary

April was 1.9 deg F above normal for temperature. The high for the month was 73.5 deg. F recorded on April 23. The low for the month was 22.2 deg F, recorded on April 2. There were 415 heating degree days and 10 cooling degree days.

April was an above normal month for precipitation with 4.24 inches of rainfall recorded, which was 0.85 inches above normal. The maximum rainfall in a single day was 1.45 inches recorded on April 19. There were 13 days of rain >.01 in, 9 >.10 in and 1 >1 in.

High wind speed of 45 mph on April 3.

April 2019 Data

Outlook for May 2019

One thought on “April 2019 Weather Summary

  1. Lance Galloway May 1, 2019 / 9:26 AM

    Thanks, Bill. I look forward to these reports!


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